Anime: Toshokan Sensou – Kakumei no Tsubasa

How long has it been since I’ve watched something anime related? Not that long actually, I just haven’t really been reviewing what I’ve watched.

Toshokan Sensou - Kakumei no Tsubasa


Well, I’m here to rectify that.

I just watched Toshokan Sensou the movie recently, and being a fan of the series I felt compelled to talk about it first. This continues where the series left off, with the two main characters off on a pseudo-date which is unfortunately interrupted when the Media Betterment Committee goes after an author, because a recent terrorist attack mirrors what he wrote in a book. There’s a bit of re-introducing of what the setup of this world is like with the Media Betterment Act and the Library Defense Force. As always, it touches on very relevant issues like the extent of censorship and free speech. If you’re not familiar with the series, I don’t think you will feel left out, the movie does it’s best to tell a complete story while at the same time furthering the original plot with this new event that occurs.

There’s a bit of history, a bit of romance, a bit of politics and this mix could have caused confusion and unresolved plot-lines, but it was really handled well. There was always a clear direction the movie was heading in, the theme came across loud and clear. I guess what suffered was the characters, especially because there is quite a cast of characters. Many of them beloved since the series, yet not getting enough screen time in this movie. The main characters were definitely the focus (as they should be, I suppose), yet the rest of the cast has always brought a certain life to the show, which isn’t seen as much in the movie.

However, as a movie, I thought it was pretty good. It was quite linear, but it wasn’t cliché. There were a number of sweet moments that occurred throughout the movie and I thought the last scene really concluded everything well. There were some scenes that left conclusions to the audience which I thought was done well. The beginning was a bit draggy, but there was a good amount of action and romance, so I’m not complaining.

For fans of the series, this would be an enjoyable continuation. For those unfamiliar with the series, I don’t think this is the best place to start since it more or less draws the curtains on the series. There is a live action movie (which is currently showing in Singapore), which might be a good place to acquaint yourself with the series. I guess I’ll have to go catch and see for myself.

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