Book: The Sherlock Holmes Miscellany

I may not have enjoyed the J.R.R. Tolkien Miscellany, but the Sherlock Holmes miscellany has been a joy to read. The content was brilliant and the sheer amount of information presented is astounding.  I love how each chapter uses a quote from the books as the title, this miscellany is obviously written by authors who … Continue reading

Book: A Study in Scarlet

 “From a drop of water,” said the writer, “a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other. So all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a single link of it. Like all other … Continue reading

Book: The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes has been seeing a revival of late. From the movies to the (AMAZING) BBC series and the newest adaptation by the Americans. There have been so many modern interpretations of what Sherlock was like. So I jumped at the chance to purchase this book to add to my (small and sad) collection of … Continue reading