Book: Still Another Day

So long, visitor. Good day. My poem happened for you, for nobody, for everyone. Still Another Day is a collection of poems written by Pablo Neurda nearing the end of his life. It was written in the short span of two days and contains various themes present in his earlier work as well. Some of … Continue reading

Book: The sailor who fell from grace with the sea

This book has been sitting on my shelf for quite a while. It’s actually my dad’s and we unearthed it (along with a variety of other books) one day while packing. The title sounded pretty interesting and Yukio Mishima is a reputable Japanese author. On hindsight, I had no idea what I was getting into. … Continue reading

Book: Love

Remember when I mentioned my current infatuation with Pablo Neruda? I’m sorta, kinda, really obsessed with him. And this has translated to borrowing almost every book I’ve been able to find that contain his poetry. Yes, this means that you’ll be seeing a lot of reviews of his books in the coming days and weeks. … Continue reading

Book: Crazy Love

One of my new year resolutions for the year of 2013 was to read more Christian books. As you can no doubt tell, that didn’t really work out all the well. It’s a resolution I will probably keep for 2014, but more about resolutions another time. I first heard of Crazy Love when a friend … Continue reading

Book: The Sherlock Holmes Miscellany

I may not have enjoyed the J.R.R. Tolkien Miscellany, but the Sherlock Holmes miscellany has been a joy to read. The content was brilliant and the sheer amount of information presented is astounding.  I love how each chapter uses a quote from the books as the title, this miscellany is obviously written by authors who … Continue reading