Day 09 – A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving

Without a doubt, it would be Harry Potter. I believe I shared the story on Day 04, but as a short recap. Harry Potter was way too popular and at that time when I first read the 1st chapter of the 1st book, it just didn’t capture my imagination. But how wrong I’ve been proven … Continue reading

Day 04 – Favourite book of your favourite series

Okay, so favourite book from Harry Potter? That would have to be The Goblet of Fire. Why is it my favourite? To answer that question I have to give you a short background of how I read the Harry Potter series. I came into contact with Harry Potter when it first became popular. I borrowed … Continue reading

Day 03 – Your favourite series

I’ve read a good number of series over the years. Starting out with series from my childhood/pre teen years like Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, The Three Investigators, Babysitters Club and more that I don’t recall. Yes I was a huge mystery buff since young. The series that has really left a deep impact on me … Continue reading

Book: The Tales of Beedle the Bard

by JK Rowling. A spin-off from the Harry Potter series, it’s the only book I’ve read in months! I actually feel quite sad. But, none the less it was pretty good. Short, fairly interesting stories written like fairy tales or maybe like Aesop fables, with notes by much beloved Albus Dumbledore. The notes part was funny, the tales themselves fairly … Continue reading