Anime: Minami-ke Omatase

Sorry to keep you waiting indeed! This OVA bundled with the 10th volume of the manga comes almost 3 years after the last season. I have missed the Minami family more than I realized and watching this has reminded me of all the little quirks each sister has and why I love them so much.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Minami-ke, there have been three seasons so far which started back in 2007. It’s a slice of anime focusing on the lives of the three girls in the Minami family. Haruka the oldest and the responsible one that has taken over as mother and father for her younger siblings. Kana, the second sister and the most random girl with crazy plots and ideas. She is the reason for many of the strange and funny situations that arise. Last, but not least is Chiaki, the smart and sarcastic one and my favourite sister of the three. Add to that a host of friends from school and there is endless fun in this series.

Minami-ke Omatase


This OVA contains a few scenarios, like Halloween, New Years and some more “mundane” events. Just know that even though something like a hot summer day, can sound really boring, it probably isn’t in the lives of the three girls. I can’t wait to watch the fourth season which aired in the beginning of the year.

If you’ve never seen them before, give it a try. This is my go-to slice of life anime, it’s sweet and funny and the cast of characters continue to grow with each season. I’m really happy that it’s back (again!) and here’s to more fun and laughter with the family.

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  1. […] I mentioned in a previous post, Minami-ke is one of my favourite slice of life animes. I appreciate the comedy and I love the […]

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